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YASUNI Scooter 4 Exhaust - Honda SH 125 TUB653YASUNI Scooter 4 Exhaust - Honda SH 125 TUB653
YASUNI Scooter 4 Exhaust - Honda SH 125 TUB653
YASUNI Scooter 4 Exhaust - Honda SH 125 TUB653

YASUNI Scooter 4 Exhaust - Honda SH 125 TUB653

Редовна цена 852.00 лв

Само 1 Вляво - се продава бързо

SKU: 1088286002

Свързани категории: Osorterat Kategori

YASUNI Scooter 4 Exhaust - Honda SH 125 TUB653

852.00 лв

YASUNI Scooter 4 Exhaust - Honda SH 125 TUB653

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The Yasuni 4 range is the evolution of the line created for the 4 strokes Scooters. 40% less weight than original exhaustThe fasteners and components are made of stainless steel AISI-304High mechanical strengthRespects EEC noise tests (e9) In order to fully comply to the emission strandard (e5), installation the catalytic converter (optional) is necessary, see ref. 746 233. Exhaust Muffler Finish: Titanium Homologation: CE homologated & Not approved in Switzerland Muffler End-Cap Finish: Black ABS Weight Benefit (-kg): 2

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