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NISSIN Round Semi-Floating Brake Disc SD-704NISSIN Round Semi-Floating Brake Disc SD-704
NISSIN Round Semi-Floating Brake Disc SD-704
NISSIN Round Semi-Floating Brake Disc SD-704

NISSIN Round Semi-Floating Brake Disc SD-704

Редовна цена 556.00 лв

Само 5 Вляво - се продава бързо

SKU: 1036611

Свързани категории: Osorterat Kategori

NISSIN Round Semi-Floating Brake Disc SD-704

556.00 лв

NISSIN Round Semi-Floating Brake Disc SD-704

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NISSIN, a japan-based company, has very close relationswith the main motorcycles, scooters and ATV manufacturersin the world and has been working on technical motorcycledeveloppment for a long time.For NISSIN, the ulimate goal is only to keep on providing you with the best braking system in the world but also to renew its product line at all time, to further improve the quality of their products. OEM Ø brake discs Brake Disc Shape: Round Brake Pad Type: Center to Center Distance: Color: Construction: Diameter Ø (mm): Disc Type: Semi-floating Hole Diameter (mm): Homologation: Inner Diameter: ø 57 Manufacturing: Material: Number of Holes: Number of Pistons: Outer Diameter: ø 295 Position: Reservoir: Thickness (mm): 5 mm Type: Use:

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