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NISSIN Off-Road Semi-Metallic Brake pads - 2P-274GS 2P-274GS
NISSIN Off-Road Semi-Metallic Brake pads - 2P-274GS 2P-274GS

NISSIN Off-Road Semi-Metallic Brake pads - 2P-274GS 2P-274GS

Редовна цена 78.00 лв

Много от склад - готови да бъдат изпратени

SKU: 1036719

Свързани категории: Osorterat Kategori

NISSIN Off-Road Semi-Metallic Brake pads - 2P-274GS 2P-274GS

78.00 лв

NISSIN Off-Road Semi-Metallic Brake pads - 2P-274GS 2P-274GS

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NISSIN, manufacturer of complete brake systems, has unparalleled experience not only in the field of brake pads but also calipers, brake discs, master cylinders, etc.... Semi-metallic padHard durability pad material for hard-brakingOff-road pad designed for heavy braking application with good braking performanceFor steel or inox brake discs Brake Disc Shape: Brake Pad Type: Replacement Center to Center Distance: Color: Construction: Diameter Ø (mm): Disc Type: Hole Diameter (mm): Homologation: Inner Diameter: Manufacturing: Material: Semi-metallic Number of Holes: Number of Pistons: Outer Diameter: Position: Reservoir: Thickness (mm): Type: Use: Enduro

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