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HIFLOFILTRO Air Filter - HFA1933 (requires two filters) HFA1933
HIFLOFILTRO Air Filter - HFA1933 (requires two filters) HFA1933

HIFLOFILTRO Air Filter - HFA1933 (requires two filters) HFA1933

Редовна цена 51.00 лв

Много от склад - готови да бъдат изпратени

SKU: 1097518

Свързани категории: Osorterat Kategori

HIFLOFILTRO Air Filter - HFA1933 (requires two filters) HFA1933

51.00 лв

HIFLOFILTRO Air Filter - HFA1933 (requires two filters) HFA1933

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Contributing to the longevity of motors, filters HIFLOFILTRO are recognized for the choice of materials and build quality filter elements. Hiflofiltro air filters are manufactured to fit the factory air box and are a direct replacement for original equipment filters.

  • Composed of paper pulp, fiber and resin, which are processed to obtain the thickness and density to provide optimal filtering
  • Developed for modern high performance engines
  • OEM replacement
, Filter version: Standard, OEM numbers: Honda 17210-MJP-G50, Specificity: Requires x2 air filters

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