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BREMBO Scooter Sintered Metal Brake pads - 07077XS 07077XS
BREMBO Scooter Sintered Metal Brake pads - 07077XS 07077XS

BREMBO Scooter Sintered Metal Brake pads - 07077XS 07077XS

Редовна цена 69.00 лв

Само 8 Вляво - се продава бързо

SKU: 1035769

Свързани категории: Osorterat Kategori

BREMBO Scooter Sintered Metal Brake pads - 07077XS 07077XS

69.00 лв

BREMBO Scooter Sintered Metal Brake pads - 07077XS 07077XS

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These pads guarantee high mileage and stability of use in all riding conditions. Designed especially for scooters, the compound is formulated for street use, and gives a braking action different to that of a motorcycle. XS: sintered compound, intended specifically for scooter brakes, both front and rear. An extremely stable material, this compound guarantees steady performance in all riding situations. Ideal for maxi scooters of the latest generation. Brake Pad Type: Replacement Homologation: CE homologated Material: Sintered metal Use: Maxi Scooter

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