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BREMBO Scooter Carbon Ceramic Brake pads - 07035CC 07035BREMBO Scooter Carbon Ceramic Brake pads - 07035CC 07035
BREMBO Scooter Carbon Ceramic Brake pads - 07035CC 07035
BREMBO Scooter Carbon Ceramic Brake pads - 07035CC 07035

BREMBO Scooter Carbon Ceramic Brake pads - 07035CC 07035

Редовна цена 56.00 лв

Само 6 Вляво - се продава бързо

SKU: 1035730

Свързани категории: Osorterat Kategori

BREMBO Scooter Carbon Ceramic Brake pads - 07035CC 07035

56.00 лв

BREMBO Scooter Carbon Ceramic Brake pads - 07035CC 07035

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These are characterized by a high friction coefficient that stays constant whatever the operating conditions – in heat and cold alike – as well as resisting wear, for superior durability and better mileage. Carbon-Ceramic: the evolution of the organic compound, featuring a higher carbon content. Increased mileage and good performance in all conditions: heat and cold, wet and dry. Brake Pad Type: Replacement Homologation: CE homologated Material: Carbon Ceramic Use: Scooter

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