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BREMBO Scooter Carbon Ceramic Brake pads - 07010 07010BREMBO Scooter Carbon Ceramic Brake pads - 07010 07010
BREMBO Scooter Carbon Ceramic Brake pads - 07010 07010
BREMBO Scooter Carbon Ceramic Brake pads - 07010 07010

BREMBO Scooter Carbon Ceramic Brake pads - 07010 07010

Редовна цена 40.00 лв

Само 7 Вляво - се продава бързо

SKU: 1035671

Свързани категории: Osorterat Kategori

BREMBO Scooter Carbon Ceramic Brake pads - 07010 07010

40.00 лв

BREMBO Scooter Carbon Ceramic Brake pads - 07010 07010

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Scooter Carbon Ceramic

An organic compound for Scooters with an excellent quality/price ratio, long lasting and excellent performance in all conditions of use. It ensures high mileage and stability, especially on city streets where typical Scooter braking is different than that of a motorcycle.CompoundCarbon-CeramicoWidth74,9Height36,1Thickness7,5 Use: Scooter

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