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BREMBO Road Carbon Ceramic Brake Pads - 07BB02CC 07BB02CC
BREMBO Road Carbon Ceramic Brake Pads - 07BB02CC 07BB02CC

BREMBO Road Carbon Ceramic Brake Pads - 07BB02CC 07BB02CC

Редовна цена 93.00 лв

Много от склад - готови да бъдат изпратени

SKU: 1118187

Свързани категории: Osorterat Kategori

BREMBO Road Carbon Ceramic Brake Pads - 07BB02CC 07BB02CC

93.00 лв

BREMBO Road Carbon Ceramic Brake Pads - 07BB02CC 07BB02CC

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High mileage and good behavior in heat and cold, dry and wet, characterize this friction material.

For motorcycles that are only ridden on the road, there are four pad variants: three of them are sintered, the CC pads are organic. Riders of "quieter" motorcycles, usually up to 400 cc, choose the latter. Since there is no need to keep high horsepower and torque in check, no great braking power is required. The coefficient of friction is therefore also the lowest of this quartet. The CC is perfect for those who want a soft and well modulated braking.

Brake Pad Type: Replacement Homologation: CE homologated Material: Carbon Ceramic Use: Small CC / Commute use

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