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BREMBO Off-Road Sintered Metal Brake pads - 07GR69SD 07GR69SDBREMBO Off-Road Sintered Metal Brake pads - 07GR69SD 07GR69SD
BREMBO Off-Road Sintered Metal Brake pads - 07GR69SD 07GR69SD
BREMBO Off-Road Sintered Metal Brake pads - 07GR69SD 07GR69SD

BREMBO Off-Road Sintered Metal Brake pads - 07GR69SD 07GR69SD

Редовна цена 73.00 лв

Много от склад - готови да бъдат изпратени

SKU: 1035915

Свързани категории: Osorterat Kategori

BREMBO Off-Road Sintered Metal Brake pads - 07GR69SD 07GR69SD

73.00 лв

BREMBO Off-Road Sintered Metal Brake pads - 07GR69SD 07GR69SD

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These materials are designed to guarantee maximum efficiency under the various conditions encountered habitually in off-road riding – not only cold and heat, but inhospitable terrain as well (water, sand, mud), where braking at low temperatures is also a key requirement. With this in mind, resistance of the material to weathering agents is particularly important. SD: sintered Off-Road. Good efficiency and stability under all operating conditions. Suitably resistant to wear, even when exposed to water and mud. Less aggressive than the SX, giving more flexible control. Brake Pad Type: Replacement Homologation: CE homologated Material: Sintered metal Use: Enduro

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